

    David Auer CPA

    Provident CPAs






  • - About David Auer CPA-

    David Auer, a CPA based in Tulsa, OK, is a man that appreciates and recognizes how necessary community engagement is. The founder of Provident CPAs, also based in Tulsa, OK, David makes sure that he focuses just as much energy on community engagement as he does on his work.


    Throughout his 30+ year career, David has found that many successful business owners don’t have anyone proactively telling them ways to save money when doing taxes. David discovered that through being more proactive, businesses experience increased savings which means more wealth for business owners. David and his team at Provident CPAs help decide the best place to invest so that a business’s savings are put back into the business itself. While some may view this as a simply business service, David views this as more than that. These are opportunities to help his local community get the most out of their life.


    By being successful professionally, David believes that his actions will trickle out into the community and be a source of inspiration for other professionals to look at their services and see how they can suit them to the community needs. This inspiration can then become a wave that washes over a community and guides local members to assist wherever they are able to at events like community gardening, a community center that offers programs to benefit younger adults, and even something as simple as helping at the local soup kitchen.


    As a family, they travel quite a bit. For the entirety of the summer of 2018, David’s son spent his time in Europe and, upon his return home, regaled his family with his experiences of his travels. When traveling as a family, the Auer family likes to visit Europe, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii. One of David’s favorite travel memories is getting the opportunity to walk across a glacier while visiting in Alberta, Canada.


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    David Auer CPA's newest updates!

    Planning for business succession is vital for the future of the business. The succession plan gives the owner a clear vision of the business objectives and how to achieve them. A business owner should be less subjective in succession planning, especially if it involves leaving the business to a...
    The old saying tough times call for tough measures has never been more illustrious than today under the Covid-19 pandemic. In its wake, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges that have seen some completely lose everything. In times of such economic turmoil, companies must re-strategize to...
    During the current pandemic, Wall Street has suffered the most raising uncertainty in all other investment options. However, for many years land has proven to be the safest investment during times of economic hardship. Professionals have always considered tax sheltering and land investments to...
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